Day 08 - 404 Page Design

Postet av Camilla den 14. Mar 2024

💬 Prompt 

Design a 404 page - that's not boring! 

Does it suit the brand's style? Is it user-friendly? It might sound mundane, but not everything can be flashy or glamorous. Every day millions of people will be landing on 404 pages. You have an opportunity to help them in a way that's useful and aesthetically pleasing. (It's up to you!)

🎯My approach 

I have been planning to go to the movies, so I have been browsing the local cinema's homepage a few times lately and decided to create a new 404 page for them! I found their current 404 page, which wasn't bad! It was just a little mundane, and i thought it could be a good case for my re-design. I knew the task was to make sure that this error-page was not boring, so I immediately thought about having a big, expressive face and maybe something cinema-related for my design.

🎨Design focus

  • Expressive and not-boring!
  • Having a good error message that effectively lets the user know that this is an error page
  • Adding useful links, to guide users back to the sites main content.
  • Staying true to the colors and theme of the main site content, leaving the top navigation bar and search bar in place. 


After (my re-design):

Check out the mockup in Figma here!

Day 07 - Settings

Postet av Camilla den 17. Feb 2024


💬 Prompt 

Design settings for something. Is it for security or privacy settings? Game settings? Light mode vs. dark mode? System settings (sound, notifications, screen time, Wi-Fi, etc.? What is it and what are the most important settings? 

🎯My approach 

I wanted to put together a screen time settings page with all the right controls to manage screen time. And since I'm a big fan of dark mode, I went ahead and designed it with that in mind.

🎨Design focus

  • Prioritizing simplicity and intuitiveness by arranging relevant controls in a clean, one-column layout.
  • The dark-themed design is intended to symbolize screen time usage, as dark colors resemble a powered-off screen. This choice is particularly relevant to the design of these specific settings.


Day 06 - User Profile

Postet av Camilla den 7. Feb 2024

Daily UI 100 Days Challenge

User Profile

💬 Prompt 

Design a user profile and be mindful of the most important data, names, imagery, placement, etc. Is it for a serious profile? A social profile? (It's up to you!)

🎯My approach 

I was inspired by real work-related platforms, like LinkedIn, Slack etc. and wanted to create a user profile that could be used to check out a consultant for a company, or anything related to business inquiries! So I decided to take inspiration from a relative of mine, my cousin Tina! So I took a photo i shot of her in 2023, and made her user profile on mobile. 

🎨Design focus

  • Creating a user profile card that showcases the essential information, with a "message", "add" and "share" button.
  • Making it user friendly by including features like project links, hourly rate, and online status.
  • Bold and modern design.


Day 05 - App Icon

Postet av Camilla den 7. Feb 2024

Daily UI 100 Days Challenge

App Icon

💬 Prompt 

Design an app icon. What best represents the brand or product? Or is it incredibly unique? Does it look great at a distance and does it stand out when put on your home screen alongside other apps?

🎯My approach 

I decided to create a smiling Sushi app icon.

🎨Design focus

  • Cute and simple
  • Sushi-themed

Day 04 - Calculation

Postet av Camilla den 5. Feb 2024

Daily UI 100 Days Challenge


💬 Prompt 

Design a calculation element or interface. Is it a standard calculator, a scientific one, or specialty calculator for something such as a home mortgage or auto loan? Is it to forecast a calculation such as for a credit score? Is it for a phone, a tablet, a web app?

🎯My approach 

I wanted to redesign the Norwegian VAT calculator,, that I have had to use in the past to calculate prices for a webshop for another project I was working on. Having used the site before, I quickly started to identifiy the areas where the design could be improved, both on desktop and mobile, in order to elevate the user experience of the VAT calculator.

🎨Design focus

  • Cross-platform consistency: creating a calculator that is easy to use both on mobile and desktop.
  • Minimizing cognitive load: users of a VAT calculator are likely dealing with a lot of numbers. The goal is to keep things simple and making it easier for users to navigate and manage their calculations.



Check out the mockup in Figma here!