Day 02 - Credit Card Checkout
Postet av Camilla den 31. Jan 2024
Daily UI 100 Days Challenge
Credit card checkout
💬 Prompt
Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don't forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.
🎯My approach
I decided to create a mobile version of an online clothing store, presenting the credit card checkout page as instructed. I wanted to integrate all the key elements, such as product details, shipping costs and of course the credit card form —all combined on a single page for a streamlined user journey.
🎨Design focus
- Keeping a minimalistic structure and visual consistency.
- Visible payment controls/no hidden features, which means that the user has complete control over the product details and the payment options during the purchase.
- Seamless credit card integration with clear instructions and display of the total cost upfront to build trust in the users online transaction.
Low Fidelity Wireframe -> High Fidelity Wireframe
Check out the mockup in Figma here!