Day 01 - Create a sign up form
Postet av Camilla den 30. Jan 2024
Daily UI 100 Days Challenge
Create a sign up form
💬 Prompt
Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.
🎯My approach
I decided to create a sign up form for a fictitious group of hikers gearing up to go on their weekly hike on "Misty Peaks Mountain". The form is for anyone who wants to join the hike. It has all the info you need, incorporated in a clean, inspiring design.
🎨Design focus
- Single-column layout, requesting only neccessary information.
- Visceral Design: Focusing on making an impact with the first impression. Does it make you want to join the hike?
- Using color and images that fit the theme of the event.
Low Fidelity Wireframe:
High Fidelity Wireframe:
The result:
Check out the mockup in Figma here!
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