UX Improvement Assignment: Airbnb

The task involves enhancing the search and filter functionality on the Airbnb platform. The user experience will be refined based on insights gathered through remote, moderated testing .The focus is on understanding how users interact with the desktop interface when booking holiday accommodations. This first round of testing is all about finding ways to make Airbnb better for users. The goal is to make improvements and make sure the overall experience of searching and filtering on Airbnb is top-notch.

Important note: This project is my personal work, and was given to me as an educational exercise by Noroff School of Digital Technology and Media. It is not endorsed or affiliated with Airbnb in any way. 

Screenshot of the Airbnb website showing listed houses


UX designer and researcher. Planning, executing, analyzing, and communicating the usability test results.


  • Planning usability testing                                                                        
  • Defining the purpose and scope of the usability testing
  • Selecting the metrics to be tracked
  • Choosing appropriate test types
  • Recruiting participants 
  • Conducting usability tests
  • Reviewing session recordings 
  • Documenting findings 
  • Analyzing user behaviour patterns
  • Present findings and recommendations


UX Design


21-27 August 2023


Figma, Miro

Improving Search and Filters

Airbnb is an online marketplace for short- and long-term home stays and experiences committed to more than just bookings. With a mission to make travel accessible and memorable for everyone, it goes beyond by fostering social good. 

To ensure a truly enjoyable booking experience, the design team tasked me with conducting usability testing to identify any potential challenges faced by the company's users when performing a common task.

This is the first round of exploratory user testing that will be done to learn about how users think about the site’s search and filter functionality. The goal was to assess the effectiveness of these features in helping users find suitable accommodations.

1. Planning for Usability Testing

2. Running Usability Tests

3. Notes and Observations

4. Usability Testing Report

Empathize  •  Define  •  Ideate  •  Prototype  •  Test

Three people having a meeting

Testing is the fifth stage in the Design Thinking process, and the main goal is to find out if your product works.

the number 2 inside an arrow
the number 3 inside an arrow
the number 4 inside an arrow
the number 1 inside an arrow

Planning for Usability Testing

Running Usability Tests

Notes and Observations

Usability Testing Report

Empathize  •  Define  •  Ideate  •  Prototype  •  Test

Three people having a meeting

Testing is the fifth stage in the Design Thinking process, and the main goal is to find out if your product works.

1. Planning for Usability Testing

2. Running Usability Tests

3. Notes and Observations

4. Usability Testing Report

Empathize  •  Define  •  Ideate  •  Prototype  •  Test

Three people having a meeting

Testing is the fifth stage in the Design Thinking process, and the main goal is to find out if your product works.

Image of a woman taking a photo.

Our focus in this usability testing project centers on evaluating the effectiveness of Airbnb's search and filter functionality. 

The goal is to see how well these features help users find suitable accommodations.

Image of a woman taking a photo.

  • Assessing users' proficiency in using Airbnb's search and filter functionality.

  • Making sure that these features match the needs of our target user base.

  • Measuring how satisfied users are with searching and filtering on airbnb.no.
Image of a woman taking a photo.

  • The identification of design issues, enabling us to enhance the user experience.

  • Discovery of opportunities for optimizing the search and filter system, resulting in an improved user journey.

  • Insights into user behaviors and preferences, ultimately contributing to a more positive end-user experience.

Why Usability Testing Matters

Usability testing at Airbnb is all about ensuring our platform works as good as it looks. We focus on evaluating the effectiveness of our search and filter features in helping users find their ideal accommodations.

User Experience Goals

We aim to achieve three main user experience goals:

1. Assess users' proficiency in using Airbnb's search and filter options.

2. Evaluate how well these features align with our target user base's needs.

3. Measure user satisfaction with the search and filter process on airbnb.no.

The Usability Testing Advantage

Usability testing benefits us by identifying design issues, discovering opportunities for improvement, and gaining insights into user behaviors and preferences. This process ensures our platform delivers a seamless and satisfying experience for users.

Understanding our Users

The usability testing session focuses on individuals who frequently use online platforms for travel accommodations. These users are tech-savvy, regularly accessing the internet and mobile apps. They rely on our search and filter function to discover accommodations that match their preferences, refine their search results, and manage booking details efficiently.

In a nutshell, usability testing is vital to our commitment to creating a platform that offers value and a highly usable experience for our users. We believe that "Usefulness = Utility + Usability." Both utility and usability are equally essential for the success of our product, and we strive to ensure they work in harmony.


20-30 minutes


3 participants


Norway. In the user’s residence or workplace

Study type

Remote and moderated

Our primary goal for Airbnb's usability testing session is to understand how users engage with Airbnb's search and filter functionality when seeking their ideal accommodations.

Just like our inspiration, we started with a detailed plan. We outlined the project's background, set research goals, and identified the key questions we want to answer. Next, we mapped out the study's steps and carefully selected our participants.

Our quest is not just to navigate this journey; it's to navigate it with purpose, precision, and a commitment to unveiling the Airbnb user experience in all its intricate detail. The path we forge today will shape the experience of tomorrow.

Usability Testing plan

Usability Testing plan

In this usability testing study, we aimed to assess the usability of Airbnb's search and filter functionality. Our evaluation focused on factors such as user appeal, clarity, and overall user experience.

Test Methodology:

We engaged in remote usability testing involving a diverse range of participants aged 30 to 33, from different cities across Norway, spanning from north to south. The evaluation was conducted online through Zoom, where participants was given real-world scenarios to assess the usability of the search and filter features.

Key Findings Summary (further details on the following pages)

  • Two out of three participants successfully completed all tasks
  • The task scenario was relevant to real-life scenarios for all three participants.
  • The visual appeal and imagery of accommodation options received positive feedback from all participants.
  • Participants found it challenging to refine their search results within their specified budget. Despite setting a maximum budget, some search results exceeded this limit due to additional fees like cleaning charges. This inconsistency between the expected and actual costs posed a challenge in accurately budgeting for accommodations.
  • Participants faced difficulty in locating and understanding the filters for Wi-Fi and breakfast options. The use of labels like "Trådløst Nettverk" for Wi-Fi hindered participants' ability to quickly identify and select these essential criteria. The "breakfast included" option being hidden behind a "Show more"-button further added to the challenge of finding and applying this filter accurately.

Affinity map
Affinity map

The good 

Participants showed a strong grasp of the product's fundamental concept, leading to the successful completion of associated tasks for one participant. An enjoyment rate of 2 out of 3 reinforces a positive user experience.

"Filters are visible right away, which is good"

The bad 

All three participants experienced confusion or difficulties while using the product, specifically related to budget constraints. This underscores the need for targeted improvements to enhance overall usability when specifying price range.

"Some of the cabins in the search results were above my budget, even though I had specified a maximum price"

participants successfully completed all tasks 

of the participants expressed enjoyment over the
overall design and layout of the product

Success Rate: The percentage of participants who successfully complete the task
Average Completion Time: Time taken by participants to complete the task
7 min, 27 sec
Error Rate: Errors or struggles participants encounter while performing the task
11 errors
User Satisfaction: Collected through post-test surveys (average level from 1-5)
Test report

Next steps

In the final stage of my case study, I explored the takeaways and next steps of my project,
determining what needs to be refined in the search and filter functionality of airbnb.no 

Address the confusion related to language and labels, such as translating terms like "Trådløst Nettverk" for Wi-Fi. Ensuring consistent and clear terminology will enhance user understanding.

Increase the visibility of crucial filters like Wi-Fi and breakfast options to enable users to quickly access and utilize these features without having to click on "show more."

Ensure that the price ranges encompass all additional fees, including cleaning fees. It should be considered to implement a feature to select "include cleaning fees" or "include all fees" when setting the maximum price. This will guarantee that users are presented with accommodation options that strictly adhere to their budget constraints.

Design improvements

Based on the test results and the identified next steps

Enhanced filter clarity

Concept: Implement clearer labels and icons for filters like Wi-Fi and breakfast options. Use universally recognizable language and symbols to indicate these amenities, enhancing their visibility and accessibility.

Instructions: Depict filter options with labeled icons, placing them prominently above the search results and showcase selected filter options at the top of the opened ad. Consider changing the label “Trådløst Nettverk” to “Wi-Fi”.

Refined price range display

Concept: Create a dedicated, fixed filter bar positioned at the top of the search results page. This bar would prominently display essential filters such as Wi-Fi, breakfast, and price range, ensuring they are easily accessible at all times.

Instructions: Implement a thin, horizontal bar above the search results. Include icons and labels for the most used/popular filters like Wi-Fi and breakfast. 

Budget management with visual indicators

Concept: When users input a budget amount, dynamically adjust the maximum price input field to reflect the inclusion of cleaning fees. Allow users to toggle a "Include Cleaning Fees" checkbox to update the maximum price accordingly.

Instructions: Show the maximum price input field accompanied by a checkbox. When the checkbox is selected, a note appears below the maximum price field, indicating that the price includes cleaning fees.

Thank you for reviewing my work. You can review extra details in the comprehensive case study slide deck linked below.

Airbnb Case Study
Image of a woman standing in front of a view of the city behind her